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  • Writer's pictureJenn Grzyvinsky

23 Days

It has been 23 days since the social worker assigned to helping me started trying to contact my birth mother. 23 very long seeming days of no contact from him. I have watched other adoptees I'm in Facebook groups post about the letters they've received. Joyous and ecstatic responses from their birth family so excited to hear from them. And while I am so happy for them, each post I see tears me down just a little more as another day without a response goes by.

I refresh my email countless times a day, bypassing emails that I probably should read as I search for the one from SWS. And each day I find myself falling deeper into a depressive state as I realize there is none.

I am trying to remind myself that if she did receive the letters than this is huge news for her. That while I have had the time to process wanting to meet her from the moment I started this process, she has not. That perhaps she is just too overwhelmed right now by it. I am trying to remind myself that patience is key in this search.

But it's hard.

It's hard when the same things keep echoing inside of my mind on a daily basis. It's hard when I keep replaying things that people have said to me in the past. About not being good enough. About not being wanted. That damn phrase from my childhood playing like a broken record, "No one will ever want you, even your real parents didn't."

I have cried more in the last month than I could have thought possible. I have had horrible depressive lows and a constant barrage of suicidal thoughts. I've pulled over on the side of the road because an anxiety attack made it so that I thought I would crash my car, and then wished that I would have. Each day is a bigger struggle the further I go into this journey and I feel as though I am trying to swim through quicksand.

There are days that I wish I hadn't started it. That I would have waited. There are also days that I wish I would have started this sooner, that maybe I waited too long. I don't write about the bad days to draw pity or attract attention, I write it to get it out there, to show that the journey isn't all rainbow and smiles. That as excited as I am for the trip to South Korea, I also struggle just to get through each day leading up to it.

It's been 23 days and I can't help but wonder how many more it'll be till I hear back.

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